In my Biblical Greek class this past week we were given a discussion question to answer on a message board. The question was "If you could accomplish only one thing in life, what would it be?" I fought the urge to write my typical answer for a question as loaded as this: "To one day have a room big enough to house a regulation size billiards table." Instead I thought, "What would Casey Williams say?" and I tried to be a spiritual as possible. I came up with the following and thought you might enjoy......
What is the correct answer to a life's purpose? Solomon chased after the sun, the wind, the fame, the fortune and the women. It all left him broken and sad before the mighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He concludes his discourse in the book we call Ecclesiastes, "Meaningless! Meaningless! Everything is meaningless!" Then someone wise, maybe Solomon maybe not, comments in the closing verses of the same book with this beautiful thought. He recognizes that there is no end to making many books and much study wearies the body. But
"Now all has been heard;
Here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
For this is the whole duty of man.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
Including every hidden thing,
Whether it is good or evil."
May God continue to reveal his plan for my life all the days of my life. May I always know what it is to abide in Christ and have Him abide in me. Let me not look to far in the future, but see only the next steps my feet traverse. If I can accomplish anything, let it be for the glory of the one true God.
Dear Father, keep me from sin. Keep me close to you all my days. Let my own needs and desires fade behind the call of your kingdom. Help me to share your truth and grace to those not in relationship with you. Restore to me the joy of your salvation all the days of my life. Amen.
Sometimes I look at the things God is teaching me, and I realize I am but a simple tool in his hands. He is so much bigger than I ever was. Less of me, More of Him is what I need every day.
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