Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vol 1, Issue 1

The question becomes, "what will be your legacy for the world?" I have always seen myself as the thoughtful and serious type. The truth is that I sit here in the reality that legacy is something undefined until people see it in retrospect. With a super-sexy wife and and a baby on the way, I find myself thinking long and hard about my legacy.

My hope is that my legacy hasn't been completed. You see, up to this point, I haven't had the best of histories for introspection. There are things that I would be happy to forget if not erase. But the best part is the unfinished page. I suppose right know, even as I contemplate young Parker floating around in Erin's belly, I am comforted by the unfinished business. To know that my life has so much left to go through. What an encouraging thought, Life is a plethora of opportunity.

People always say that today is the first day of the rest of your life. I always think it is a dumb saying. Of course the rest of each person's life starts over each day. The real saying should be "What are you going to do with the rest of your life?"

So for me, life begins new today. I see my future, my legacy with a great deal of optimism. Not just because my wife is hot, or because my son is just weeks from being here. But because a lifetime can be started new with each day. My choices will have consequences of course, but I get a chance to put behind me the things that weigh me down or even the mistakes I make.

I hope that the choices I make today can have the impact that colors in my legacy with hope, grace and love.

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